Qualitative Data Analysis Services
At Scholars Professional Editing Group LLC., we specialize in NVivo (Lumivero) qualitative and mixed-method data analysis, and coaching services that cater to the specific research needs of doctoral candidates. Our coaches are NVivo-certified!
We help students better understand their data, write their dissertations more effectively, and develop robust visual aids that help the candidate defend their findings successfully. Our certified NVivo Navigation coaches guide you step-by-step through the (3-Phase) data analysis process to completion in up to 14 days! Yes- within two weeks!
Book a consultation to chat with us to discuss the NVivo Phases of completion.

The entire NVivo (Lumivero) data analysis process is completed in 3-Phases!
Phase 0
Introductory Meeting With Your NVivo Coach
Phase I
Project Creation Data Importation Data Storage
Data Organization
Phase II
Data Coding
Theme Development
Data Analysis
Phase III
Data Visualization
Q & A
Sample Template
Editorial Review